A comprehensive resource dedicated to the Canon FD mount system. Contains detailed information about cameras, lenses, and accessories. Includes technical specifications, common issues, and historical context.
History and detail about every Canon rangefinder, lenses, and accessories.
Technical details of most medium format film cameras. Deep dives on bronicas and third party 35mm lenses.
olympus om lens tests
Reviews and ratings of every Olympus Zuiko lens measuring sharpness and contrast at common apertures. Includes some Vivtar, Nikon, and Nikon lenses.
soviet camera
In depth technical and historical overviews of Fed, Zorki, and Zenit soviet cameras.
zeiss historica
Details the history and evolution of Carl Zeiss. Website of the Zeiss Historica Society.
tom tiger
Incredible detail on Fed, Zorki, and Zenit soviet cameras. Repair guide for Zenit cameras.
praktica m42
History of Praktica cameras. Lists all cameras and lenses.
commie cameras
History, cameras, lenses, accessories of the Pentacon/Praktica Six, Fed, Kiev, Zorki and other soviet cameras.
Reviews of Nikon F lenses. Also reviews lenses for the Nikonos, Nikon S Rangefinder, and Large format Nikkor lenses.
cosmo net
History and technical detail of various folding cameras, slrs, and rangefinders.